Jean-Marie Poiré


Biography: life and films

Jean-Marie Poiré is a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He was born in Paris, France on 10th July 1945.

His best films as a screenwriter include Michel Audiard's comedy-thriller Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais... elle cause! (1970), Le Père Noël est une ordure (1982), Papy fait de la résistance (1983), Mes meilleurs copains (1989) and Les Visiteurs (1993), and whose best work as a film director include Papy fait de la résistance (1983), Mes meilleurs copains (1989) and Les Visiteurs (1993).

Jean-Marie Poiré has so far scripted 29 films, directed 13 films and appeared in 2 films.

He has most frequently worked with the following directors: Michel Audiard (8 films), Georges Lautner (3) and Robert Lamoureux (2).

His most frequent genres include: comedy (27 films), Thriller (7), comedy-thriller (6), comedy-drama (3), War (3), Fantasy (3), crime-thriller (2) and comedy-romance (2).

Our average rating for Jean-Marie Poiré over all films is: 2.7

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