Film Index

French cinema: 2010s

Comment j'ai détesté les maths (2013)
Olivier Peyon

So you've always hated maths? You're not alone - it is a subject that has brought misery to countless schoolchildren and left irreparable scars...   [More...]

Complices (2010)
Frédéric Mermoud

The body of a teenage boy is fished out of the Rhone near to Lyon. He is Vincent, 17 years old, and apparently died from strangulation...   [More...]

La Confession (2017)
Nicolas Boukhrief

In the present day, a priest is summoned to the bedside of a dying woman, to hear her final confession. The woman, Barny, has long harboured a secret which she feels she must impart to a sympathetic ear before she dies...   [More...]

Les Conquérants (2013)
Xabi Molia

Galaad and Noé have nothing in common except that they share the same father and seem destined to fail at everything they attempt, in both their professional and personal lives...   [More...]

La Conquête (2011)
Xavier Durringer

It is the 6th May 2007, the day of the second round of the French presidential election. As the people of France cast their vote, presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy mopes about his home in a bathrobe, alone and dejected, unable to get in touch with his wife Cécilia...   [More...]

Continuer (2018)
Joachim Lafosse

Sibylle is a divorced woman in her early thirties who has come to regret abandoning her son Samuel. One day, acting on impulse, she contacts her son and persuades him to accompany her on a long and solitary horse trek across open country in Kyrgyzstan...   [More...]

Convoi exceptionnel (2019)
Bertrand Blier

Foster and Taupin are two men in their mid-sixties who could not be more different. The first is a successful businessman who feels he is no longer in control of his life...   [More...]

Copacabana (2010)
Marc Fitoussi

Babou is one of life's eternal adolescents. Unable to hold down a job for more than five minutes, she has spent the last few years travelling around the world doing what she does best: enjoying herself...   [More...]

Copie conforme (2010)
Abbas Kiarostami

A middle-aged French woman travels to Italy to attend a conference at which an English writer, James, is to promote his new book...   [More...]

Coup d'éclat (2011)
José Alcala

In the French town of Sète, police chief Fabienne Bourrier spends much of her time pursuing illegal immigrants from all backgrounds...   [More...]

Coup de chaud (2015)
Raphaël Jacoulot

At the height of a scorching hot summer, the calm of a small French village is disturbed by Josef Bousou, a mischievous thirty-year old who has the mental age of a small child...   [More...]

Crash Test Aglaé (2017)
Eric Gravel

Aglaé is a single-minded young woman in her twenties who works at a factory in France that specialises in crash testing...   [More...]

La Crème de la crème (2014)
Kim Chapiron

Dan, Kelliah and Louis are three students at one of France's most important business schools. These young people are being moulded into the elite of tomorrow and are ready to put what they have learned into practice...   [More...]

Crime d'amour (2010)
Alain Corneau

Isabelle is an ambitious young executive who works in the Paris offices of an important multinational company. Her boss, Christine, is even more ambitious and is not beyond claiming Isabelle's work as her own to advance her career...   [More...]

D'amour et d'eau fraîche (2010)
Isabelle Czajka

Julie Bataille is 23 and eager to make a success of her life. But even though she did well in her baccalaureate, she has difficulty finding a rewarding and well-paid job...   [More...]

Dalida (2017)
Lisa Azuelos

Dalida was the name that Yolanda Cristina Gigliotti adopted when she began appearing in movies in the mid-1950s. Then the seductive Egyptian was barely into her twenties and could have had no idea of the glittering career that was just over the horizon...   [More...]

La Dame dans l'auto avec des lunettes et un fusil (2015)
Joann Sfar

Dany Dorémus is an attractive redhead who works as a secretary for an advertising agency. One morning, her boss asks her to drive him and his family to the airport and then take his car, a Ford Thunderbird, back to his house...   [More...]

La Dame de trèfle (2010)
Jérôme Bonnell

Since their parents died, Aurélien and Argine have lived together in their home in a small provincial town, and have become as close to one another as any brother and sister can be...   [More...]

Damien veut changer le monde (2019)
Xavier de Choudens

Damien is an ordinary thirty-something who leads a peaceful life, working in a primary school as a general dogsbody. His sister Mélanie has made more of her life and now earns a decent crust as a successful lawyer...   [More...]

Dans la maison (2012)
François Ozon

Germain Germain is a fifty-something literature teacher in a modern French school who has grown disillusioned with his profession...   [More...]

Dans la tourmente (2012)
Christophe Ruggia

Franck just about manages to make ends meet by working as a welder at a helicopter manufacturing plant in Marseille. His friend Max is less fortunate and is drowning in debt since he lost his job, a victim of a large-scale downsizing programme a few years previously...   [More...]

De bon matin (2011)
Jean-Marc Moutout

One Monday morning, Paul Wertret arrives at the bank where he works, just as he does any other day. But shortly after his arrival at 8 o'clock he takes out a gun and shoots dead two of his superiors...   [More...]

De rouille et d'os (2012)
Jacques Audiard

Homeless and penniless, Ali has no other choice but to turn to his sister for help. Accompanied by his five-year-old son Sam, Ali makes his way to his sister's home in Antibes, confident that she will give him a place to stay whilst he tries to get back on his feet...   [More...]

De toutes nos forces (2014)
Nils Tavernier

In common with all adolescents of his age, Julien dreams of a life filled with thrills and adventure. But since he is confined to a wheelchair it seems unlikely that such dreams will ever be realised...   [More...]

De vrais mensonges (2010)
Pierre Salvadori

One bright spring morning, Emilie receives a love letter, a beautiful but anonymous declaration of love which cannot fail to twang the romantic heartstrings of its reader...   [More...]

Dead Man Talking (2012)
Patrick Ridremont

In an undisclosed country, William Lamers is sentenced to death for homicide. The procedure by which he is to be executed is rigidly set out by law in all but one detail...   [More...]

La Délicatesse (2011)
David Foenkinos

Nathalie has everything she could want to be happy. She is young, beautiful and is enjoying the perfect romance. When her husband is suddenly taken from her in a tragic accident, Nathalie's life suddenly falls apart...   [More...]

Demain et tous les autres jours (2017)
Noémie Lvovsky

Mathilde Zasinger is a nine-year-old girl who lives alone with her mother after her parents' separation. Madame Zasinger's increasingly erratic behaviour doesn't seem to trouble her devoted daughter, who becomes complicit in her childish flights of fancy...   [More...]

Demain tout commence (2016)
Hugo Gélin

Samuel is happy with his life as a carefree bachelor on the French Riviera. With no family commitments to tie him down he is as free as the wind, and has no intention of changing the way he lives...   [More...]

Dépression et des potes (2012)
Arnaud Lemort

Franck has no reason to be unhappy with his life, but he is. He has everything a man could possibly want to be happy - a nice home, an interesting job, a delicious Brazilian girlfriend...   [More...]

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