Ah! La libido (2009)
Directed by Michèle Rosier

aka: Ah! The Libido

Film Synopsis

Paula, Betty, Charlotte and Sandy are four friends who work for a Parisian newspaper.  Charlotte, the editor, is divorced and has a young son who is away at a summer camp.  Paula, the oldest, is a researcher.  Sandy, the youngest, is a switchboard operator and still lives with her parents.  Betty, a photo-journalist, lives alone.  One day, during their usual lunchtime get-together in the staff canteen, Betty suggests the four of them do something different, like spend a wild evening with some male prostitutes.  After all, what's good for the goose...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Michèle Rosier
  • Script: Michèle Rosier
  • Cinematographer: Emmanuel Machuel
  • Cast: Audrey Dana (Betty), Claude Degliame (Paula), Sarah Grappin (Charlotte), Anna Mihalcea (Sandy), Olivier Schatzky (Le premier journaliste), Marc Bodnar (Le rédacteur en chef), Valéry Schatz (Vidal le 'peloteur'), Virgile Fouilou (Le collègue de Vidal), Léo Berman (Le frère de Sandy), Sylvie Johnson (La fleuriste), Valérie Crouzet (La mère de Sandy), Yvan Garouel (Le père de Sandy), Lola Giovannetti (La petite soeur de Sandy), Frédéric Silien (Krishna 1), Burgle Cédric (Krishna 2), Anders Sicre (Serveur café), Mour (Patron du café), Virginie Lanoué (La jeune fille à vélo), Jean-Louis Annaloro (L'homme à vélo), Macha Lemaître (La chanteuse amoureuse)
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 83 min
  • Aka: Ah! The Libido

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