Le Rosaire (1934)
Directed by Tony Lekain, Gaston Ravel


Film Synopsis

A beautiful and serious woman gives up her love affair with Gérard, a man who is younger than she is. Later, Gérard loses his sight and she takes the place of his nurse. When she reveals her identity to him, he opens his arms and his heart to her once more.
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Tony Lekain, Gaston Ravel
  • Script: Gaston Ravel, Florence L. Barclay (novel), Alexandre Bisson (play)
  • Cinematographer: Jean Bachelet
  • Cast: Louisa de Mornand (Jeanne de Champel), André Luguet (Gérard Delaval), Hélène Robert (Pauline Lister), Charlotte Lysès (La duchesse de Miremont), Camille Bert (Docteur Grand), Pierre Juvenet (Firmin), Jean Rousselière (Bob de Lanzac), Georges Flateau (Docteur Maréchal), Wally Carveno, Maud Gipsy, Gil Roland, Odette Talazac
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Black and White
  • Runtime: 90 min

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