Les Longs manteaux (1986)
Directed by Gilles Béhat

Action / Adventure

Film Synopsis

In Bolivia on 3rd December 1982, the dissident Argentinean writer Juan Mendez is released from prison.  A military escort is to ensure his safety during his train journey to the border.  That same day, on the road to Villazon in the Bolivian mountains, a French geologist named Loïc Murat comes to the aid of a young woman named Julia who claims to be Mendez's daughter.  Murat discovers that the writer's life is threatened by a group of military extremists known as the 'Longs Manteaux'.  The best hope of saving Mendez from being assassinated is to travel to Argentina and get a telegraph through to the solders who are escorting him.  But when they reach the border Julia and Murat find themselves caught up in a bloody siege involving the Longs Manteaux...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Gilles Béhat
  • Script: Jean-Louis Leconte, Gilles Béhat, Jean-Louis Leconte (dialogue), G.J. Arnaud (novel)
  • Cinematographer: Ricardo Aronovich
  • Music: Jean-François Léon
  • Cast: Bernard Giraudeau (Murat), Claudia Ohana (Julia), Robert Charlebois (Laville), Federico Luppi (Garcia), Aldo Barbero (Bernard Giraudeau voice), Pablo Cedrón (Luis), Martín Coria (Suboficial), Ricardo Darín (Lieutenant Lamas), Fabiana Demarco (La Muda), Juan Carlos Gianuzzi (Walter Ayarda), Juan Palomino (Soldado), Osvaldo Santoro (Cabo Gómez)
  • Country: France / Argentina
  • Language: French / Spanish
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 106 min

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