Marie et les naufragés (2016)
Directed by Sébastien Betbeder

aka: Marie and the Misfits

Film Synopsis

Antoine has been forewarned that Marie is dangerous.  But that doesn't prevent Siméon from dropping everything and going after her in secret.  Oscar, his sleepwalking flatmate, and Antoine, a writer desperately in search of inspiration, are soon following his example.  You'd think there was some incredibly powerful magnetic force pulling these four disparate individuals together.   Maybe it's just a shared thirst for adventure.  Whatever the reason, these four end up together on an island at the end of the world...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Sébastien Betbeder
  • Script: Sébastien Betbeder
  • Photo: Sylvain Verdet
  • Cast: Pierre Rochefort (Siméon Forest), Vimala Pons (Marie Andrieu), Eric Cantona (Antoine), Damien Chapelle (Oscar), André Wilms (Cosmo), Emmanuelle Riva (Suzanne), Wim Willaert (Wim), Didier Sandre (L'éditeur), Kt Gorique (La jeune fille de 'La Jetée'), Philippe Petit (Rémi), François Deblock (Le jeune homme au casque), Sabrina Seyvecou (Béatrice), Eglantine Dauny (Sarah), Gaëtan Vourc'h (Le serveur du café de Lorient), Marie Kauffmann (Martha), Chloé Chaudoye (Patricia), Romain Rouet (Antoine à 6 ans), Baptiste Clavely (Antoine à 11 ans), Raphaël Cantona (Antoine à 30 ans), Irène Ranson (Le professeur d'Antoine)
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 104 min
  • Aka: Marie and the Misfits

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