Nous n'irons plus au bois (1970)
Directed by Georges Dumoulin

Drama / War
aka: We Won't Go to the Woods Anymore

Film Synopsis

In the spring of 1944, a group of French resistance fighters hide out in the forest of Woevre.  They comprise a dozen lads and Lise, their 19-year-old liaison officer.  One evening, four deserters from the German army appear and are accepted into the group.  Lise falls in love with one of them, Werner.
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Georges Dumoulin
  • Script: Catherine Varlin
  • Cinematographer: Alain Derobe
  • Music: Michel Sendrez
  • Cast: Richard Leduc (Saint-Brice), Marie-France Pisier (Lise), Siegfried Rauch (Werner), Jacques Higelin (Simon), Georges Claisse (Hans), Sylvain Joubert (Philippe), Serge Rousseau (Albert), Jean-Pierre Ducos (Anatole), Georges Beller (Pavel), Vania Vilers (Prof'), Henri Déus (Vincent), François Marthouret (Lucien), Claude Confortès (Sep), Frantz Wolf (Arno), Georges Rouquier (Le docteur), Jacques Masson (Jacquou), Romain Bouteille
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color (Eastmancolor)
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Aka: We Won't Go to the Woods Anymore ; Underground Heroes

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