Romane Bohringer


Biography: life and films

Romane Bohringer is a French actress, film director and screenwriter. She was born in Pont-Sainte-Maxence, Oise, France on 14th August 1973.

Her best films as an actor include Claude Miller's L'Accompagnatrice (1992), Gilles Mimouni's L'Appartement (1996), Benoît Cohen's Nos enfants chéris (2003), Luc Jacquet's La Marche de l'empereur (2005) and Maïwenn's Le Bal des actrices (2009).

Romane Bohringer has so far appeared in 36 films.

She has most frequently worked with the following directors: Martine Dugowson (2 films) and Benoît Cohen (2).

Her most frequent genres include: drama (17 films), comedy-drama (10), romance (9), comedy-romance (5), comedy (4), Biography (4) and Documentary (3).

Our average rating for Romane Bohringer over all films is: 2.9

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