Louis Jourdan



Key: a = actor

Le Corsaire (1939) [a]

Ecco la felicità (1940) [a]

Parade en 7 nuits (1941) [a]

Premier rendez-vous (1941) [a]

L'Arlésienne (1942) [a]

La Belle aventure (1942) [a]

La Comédie du bonheur (1942) [a]

Untel père et fils (1943) [a]

Les Petites du quai aux fleurs (1944) [a]

Félicie Nanteuil (1945) [a]

La Vie de bohème (1945) [a]

The Paradine Case (1947) [a]

Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) [a]

No Minor Vices (1948) [a]

Madame Bovary (1949) [a]

Anne of the Indies (1951) [a]

Bird of Paradise (1951) [a]

The Happy Time (1952) [a]

Decameron Nights (1953) [a]

Rue de l'estrapade (1953) [a]

Three Coins in the Fountain (1954) [a]

Julie (1956) [a]

La Mariée est trop belle (1956) [a]

The Swan (1956) [a]

Dangerous Exile (1957) [a]

Escapade (1957) [a]

Gigi (1958) [a]

The Best of Everything (1959) [a]

Can-Can (1960) [a]

Le Comte de Monte Cristo (1961) [a]

Le Vergini di Roma (1961) [a]

Il Disordine (1962) [a]

Leviathan (1962) [a]

Mathias Sandorf (1963) [a]

The V.I.P.s (1963) [a]

Les Sultans (1966) [a]

Made in Paris (1966) [a]

Cervantes (1967) [a]

Peau d'espion (1967) [a]

A Flea in Her Ear (1968) [a]

Piange... il telefono (1973) [a]

Plus ça va, moins ça va (1977) [a]

Silver Bears (1978) [a]

Double Deal (1981) [a]

Bayou Romance (1982) [a]

Escape to Love (1982) [a]

Gamble on Love (1982) [a]

Swamp Thing (1982) [a]

Octopussy (1983) [a]

Grand Larceny (1987) [a]

Escuadron (1988) [a]

The Return of Swamp Thing (1989) [a]

Year of the Comet (1992) [a]

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