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French cinema: All genres

Alceste à bicyclette (2013)
Philippe Le Guay

Serge Tanneur is a renowned actor who, having reached the summit of his profession, decides to bow out and enjoy a long and quiet retirement at a remote house on the island of Ré...   [More...]

Alexandre le bienheureux (1968)
Yves Robert

All that Alexandre wants is to live a quiet life, to be as free and contented as the birds and beasts of his treasured countryside...   [More...]

Alexis gentleman chauffeur (1938)
Max de Vaucorbeil

Alexis de Saint Grisols, a pilot during the war, now earns his crust as a modest taxi driver in Paris. One day, the famous actress Margot Fontane leaves her purse in his taxi and he feels duty bound to return it to her in person...   [More...]

Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1954)
Jacques Becker

Once upon a time, in a small town in the East, there lived a man named Ali-Baba, a friend of the poor... One day, Ali-Baba goes to the market on an errand for his master, the wealthy Cassim, to buy a new slave for his harem...   [More...]

L'Alibi (1937)
Pierre Chenal

Professor Winckler is a distinguished master of the occult sciences and telepathy. Whilst he is performing his famous mind-reading act at a Parisian nightclub, he is surprised to see his most hated enemy, an American named Gordon, sitting in the audience...   [More...]

Alice et Martin (1998)
André Téchiné

In the southwest of France, Martin is leading a tranquil childhood with his mother and her boyfriend when his wealthy father, Victor Sauvagnac, insists on taking custody of him...   [More...]

Alice ou la dernière fugue (1977)
Claude Chabrol

After walking out on her husband, Alice gets into her car and sets out for what she hopes will be a new life. Whilst driving through the countryside a storm breaks and her windscreen suddenly cracks...   [More...]

Aliker (2009)
Guy Deslauriers

Martinique in the 1930s. André Aliker is a young militant communist who, against the wishes of his family, takes on the job of editing and printing his party's one-sheet pamphlet...   [More...]

Allez France! (1964)
Robert Dhéry

On the eve of his wedding day, Henri Martineau decides to make full use of his last few hours of bachelor freedom by attending the France versus England rugby match at Twickenham...   [More...]

L'Alliance (1971)
Christian de Chalonge

Hugues's obsession for animals has led him to accumulate a vast collection of creatures of all kinds, which he studies with great interest...   [More...]

Allo Berlin? Ici Paris! (1932)
Julien Duvivier

Lily and Erich are switchboard operators who have never met but they talk to each other every day and soon realise that they are in love...   [More...]

Allons z'enfants (1981)
Yves Boisset

In 1935, Simon Chalumot is just 13 years old when he is entered into a strict military school by his father, a patriotic veteran of the previous war...   [More...]

Alors voilà, (1997)
Michel Piccoli

Constantin is a patriarchal grandfather who insists that his three sons bring their families to his home for a meal each week...   [More...]

L'Alpagueur (1976)
Philippe Labro

"L'Alpagueur" is the code name for Roger Pilard, a bounty hunter who works for the French security services on cases where "conventional" police methods have failed...   [More...]

Alphaville (1965)
Jean-Luc Godard

Lemmy Caution, a secret agent from the Outlands, arrives in Alphaville on a special mission - to kill the dangerous scientist Professor von Braun and destroy his creation, an all-seeing, all-controlling computer named Alpha-60...   [More...]

Alyah (2012)
Elie Wajeman

Alex is 27 and lives in one of the less salubrious districts of Paris. He makes a dishonest living as a drugs dealer, but most of his hard-earned cash ends up in the pocket of his overly demanding older brother, Isaac...   [More...]

Alyse et Chloé (1970)
René Gainville

Alyse and Luc have been happy together for some time but now their professional commitments are starting to drive them apart...   [More...]

L'Amant de Bornéo (1942)
Jean-Pierre Feydeau

During a brief sojourn in Paris, Lucien Mazerand, a timid bookseller from Châteauroux, spends an evening at the music hall to watch Stella Losange perform her celebrated conjuring act...   [More...]

L'Amant de cinq jours (1961)
Philippe de Broca

Madeleine and Claire are two close friends who live in Paris. Madeleine runs a well-known fashion house, while Claire lives with her husband Georges and their two children in an upmarket residence...   [More...]

L'Amant de lady Chatterley (1955)
Marc Allégret

Lady Constance Chatterley is under pressure from both her sister Hilda and her husband, Sir Clifford, to find herself a lover so that she can get herself pregnant and provide an heir to the Chatterley estate...   [More...]

L'Amant double (2017)
François Ozon

Chloé is a woman in her mid-twenties who is coping badly with an ever-worsening bout of depression. Medically there is nothing wrong with her, so she takes her doctor's advice and consults a psychiatrist, Paul...   [More...]

Les Amants criminels (1999)
François Ozon

A young adolescent Alice persuades her 17 year old boyfriend Luc to kill one of her classmates, Saïd. The murder accomplished, they take the body to a forest to dispose of it, but they are observed by a poacher...   [More...]

Les Amants de demain (1959)
Marcel Blistène

One Christmas Eve, Pierre Montfort is desperately on the run after killing his wife in a moment of madness when his car breaks down...   [More...]

Les Amants de Vérone (1949)
André Cayatte

A film crew is shooting an adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Venice. Bettina Verdi, the leading actress, visits a glass factory in Murano with her guide Raffaele...   [More...]

Les Amants du pont Saint-Jean (1947)
Henri Decoin

On the banks of the River Rhône, Alcide Garonne ekes out a modest existence as a ferryman and poacher. He lives in a threadbare abode with his partner Maryse, an extravagant vagabond from Paris who is drunk most of the time...   [More...]

Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991)
Leos Carax

Paris, 1989. Leaving a shelter for homeless people, Alex, a wild-looking young man in his twenties, heads across town to his favourite spot on the Pont-Neuf...   [More...]

Les Amants du Tage (1955)
Henri Verneuil

After the war, Pierre Roubier returns home, optimistic about the future, only to find his wife in bed with another man. In a moment of madness, Pierre shoots his wife's lover dead...   [More...]

Amants et voleurs (1935)
Raymond Bernard

Fate has been unkind to Claude Brezin. When he loses his entire fortune, the unfortunate young man must obtain a job to survive, but try as he might his efforts to find work end in dismal failure...   [More...]

Les Amants maudits (1952)
Willy Rozier

Paul leads a humdrum life as a waiter in a café but, being a fan of hard-boiled thriller novels, he fantasises about becoming a cold-blooded gangster...   [More...]

Les Amants réguliers (2005)
Philippe Garrel

May 1968. The streets of Paris are ablaze as students and riot police unwittingly re-enact the famous barricade scene from Les Misèrables ...   [More...]

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