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French cinema: All genres

L'Amour l'après-midi (1972)
Eric Rohmer

Frédéric had thought that by marrying Hélène he would never again be tempted by another woman...   [More...]

L'Amour n'est pas un péché (1952)
Claude Cariven

Eliane Cahuzac and Jacques Loursier are both urgently in need of an apartment and Fate decides that they will end up sharing the same landing in the same Parisian apartment block...   [More...]

L'Amour ne pardonne pas (2015)
Stefano Consiglio

Adrianne is a Frenchwoman in her late fifties who lives a peaceful life in a small town in the south of Italy. It has been some years since her husband died and she divides her time between her job as a nurse, her grown-up daughter and her granddaughter...   [More...]

L'Amour violé (1978)
Yannick Bellon

One evening, a nurse, Nicole, is heading home on her moped when she is driven off the road by a van. Four men get out of the van and proceed to taunt her, before abducting her...   [More...]

L'Amour, c'est mieux à deux (2010)
Dominique Farrugia

Michel and Vincent are two men in their mid-to-late thirties who are both strongly attracted towards women but have very different ideas about love and romance...   [More...]

L'Amour (1990)
Philippe Faucon

As their summer holidays draw to a close, the thoughts of a disparate collection of teenagers in the suburbs of Paris turn to love...   [More...]

L'Amour, Madame (1952)
Gilles Grangier

François Célerier is a young university student who hopes to make his name as a playwright. He is attracted to fellow student Diane, but he is too shy to approach her and reveal his true feelings for her...   [More...]

L'Amoureuse (1987)
Jacques Doillon

Eight girlfriends meet up at a resort on the Normandy coast to celebrate the birthday of their friend. The nine friends are each on the rebound from some emotional crisis but they manage to amuse themselves, mainly by trying to seduce and humiliate any men they can find...   [More...]

Les Amoureux sont seuls au monde (1948)
Henri Decoin

Gérard Favier is a famous composer who has been married to the charming Sylvia for almost 20 years. Still deeply in love, they walk the streets of Paris and, one day, they hear a sonata that Gérard once wrote, played on a piano in a house...   [More...]

Amours célèbres (1961)
Michel Boisrond

Part 1: The Duke of Lazun is in love with Madame de Monaco, so he is understandably nonplussed when he learns that she has caught the eye of Louis XIV...   [More...]

Les Amours d'Astrée et de Céladon (2007)
Eric Rohmer

Gaul in the 5th Century. Astrée is a beautiful young shepherdess who is devotedly in love with Céladon, a handsome young shepherd...   [More...]

Les Amours de minuit (1931)
Augusto Genina

Marcel and Gaston are two men who are on the run, although when they meet on a train bound for a seaport they do their best to conceal the fact...   [More...]

Les Amours finissent à l'aube (1953)
Henri Calef

Didier Guéret is in charge of marketing for a large automobile company based in Paris. He takes advantage of his frequent business trips to other cities across Europe to pursue short-lived amorous liaisons with various women he comes into contact with...   [More...]

Les Amours imaginaires (2010)
Xavier Dolan

Francis and Marie are two close friends, both in their mid-twenties, who cannot help falling in love with the same man, Nicolas...   [More...]

Les Amours secrètes (2010)
Franck Phelizon

It seems incredibly unlikely, but during the Occupation of France a young Jewish woman was passionately in love with a German soldier...   [More...]

L'An 01 (1973)
Jacques Doillon

One Tuesday afternoon, the whole of France comes to a total standstill. Everyone stops working and all activity ceases. The old world is finished...   [More...]

Les Anciens de Saint-Loup (1950)
Georges Lampin

The former pupils of a boy's boarding school, Saint-Loup, are invited back for a reunion. The guests turn up, eager to revisit the setting of their happy childhoods and renew old acquaintances...   [More...]

And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen... (2002)
Claude Lelouch

Valentin is a gentleman thief who models himself on Arsène Lupin. Pursued by the police and weary of his criminal existence, he hires a yacht and puts out to sea...   [More...]

Andalousie (1951)
Robert Vernay

In present day Spain, Juanito is earning a modest living as a pottery merchant when he is suddenly plucked from obscurity and finds fame as a bullfighter...   [More...]

André le magnifique (2000)
Emmanuel Silvestre

A couple who live in a rural backwater of France decide to put on a play to celebrate the history of their town. Alexis will write and direct the play, and his wife Janine will take the lead female role...   [More...]

L'Ange de la nuit (1944)
André Berthomieu

Paris, 1939. A group of impoverished students open a restaurant in the Latin Quarter, and give each other moral and material support, assisted by their kindly landlord Père Heurteloup...   [More...]

Angel-A (2005)
Luc Besson

28 year-old con artist André lies so easily that he has even convinced himself he is the model citizen. In reality, he is the type that would sell his grandmother for a packet of cigarettes...   [More...]

Angèle (1934)
Marcel Pagnol

Angèle is the daughter of a respectable farmer, Clarius, and lives with her parents and their valet Saturnin on their farm in the South of France...   [More...]

Angèle et Tony (2011)
Alix Delaporte

Angèle is a young woman who moves to a Normandy fishing town with the intention of starting a new life. For the past two years, she has been in prison and her one ambition now is to win back custody of her son, who is presently in the care of her deceased husband's parents...   [More...]

Angélique (2013)
Ariel Zeitoun

In France during the mid-17th century, Angélique is scarcely more than a child when she marries the wealthy Count Jeoffrey de Peyrac against her will...   [More...]

Angélique et le roy (1966)
Bernard Borderie

The war in Flanders claims the life of Philippe de Plessis-Bellières. When Angélique learns of her husband's death she immediately makes the decision to retire from court life and devote herself to her children...   [More...]

Angélique et le sultan (1968)
Bernard Borderie

Angélique has scarcely been reunited with her first husband Joffrey de Peyrac when she is abducted by the ruthless slave trader Escrainville...   [More...]

Angélique, marquise des anges (1964)
Bernard Borderie

France, in the mid-1600s. On leaving a convent at the age of 17, Angélique de Sancé de Monteloup learns that her father is ruined and has affianced her to a nobleman, Joffrey de Peyrac...   [More...]

Les Anges du péché (1943)
Robert Bresson

Rather than follow the life of wealth and comfort that has been mapped out for her by her family circumstances, Anne-Marie Lamaury opts instead to take holy orders and devote herself to the service of God...   [More...]

Les Anges gardiens (1995)
Jean-Marie Poiré

Antoine Carco, the proprietor of a seedy Parisian night club, travels to Hong Kong to honour the dying wishes of an old friend...   [More...]

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